Sites of Interest

There are a huge number of web sites connected with the weather around the world and below are a small number of sites which are either related to Orkney or give some  help in understanding the Orkney weather.


The water level of the Durkadale Burn in Birsay.  It can be argued that this burn is the nearest Orkney has to a small river. The water supply starts in the Birsay and Harray hills. It flows all year round and usually bursts its banks several times in the winter months after prolonged, heavy rain.

Click the icon above to see the SEPA web Page which shows the water level in Durkadale burn in the Hillside area of Birsay.


Loch of Hundland Forecast

Loch of Hundland Forecast

Click on the icon above to open the Met Office 5 day forecast for the Loch of Hundland


Click on the icon above to open the Met Office rain radar for UK


Click on the icon above to open a site showing the surface sea temperature


 Jet Stream1

Click on the icon above to open a site showing the position of the Jet Stream


Click on the icon above to view the various classifications of the different cloud formations.


Click on the above icon to open  tide information for Kirkwall, Stromness and Tingwall today.